Tips to dress confidently - Bars Of Beauty
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Tips to dress confidently


Nearly everyone strives to approach each day with confidence but many of us struggle to sincerely get there. While dressing in expensive clothes might give us a fleeting sense of satisfaction, real confidence is not just about the brands we wear, or the look we give off. Real confidence comes with accepting our personal quirks and working with them. In this way, we can dress with confidence by knowing the look, and playing to our personal strengths. The following approaches are key to dressing with confidence.

Styling Tips:

Find the color:

The first way to dress with confidence is to know what looks excellent on us and what doesn’t. The biggest deciding factor is knowing what colors look best with our complexion and hair color. Though various methods of deciding the color palette exist, people with the same hair and skin colors tend to fall in similar categories. Finer features tend to fall into the “fall” category of warm tones, while darker features are complimented well by soft “spring” colors.

Considering the shape:

Knowing our body shape is another key factor to dressing with confidence. Not everybody needs to be the same size or proportion, but dressing in ways that flatter our unique shape can help us confidently strut the stuff. Whether one is a pear or an apple shape, short or tall, dressing for our shape makes all the difference.

Play to the strengths:

After we get comfortable with what looks good on our body shape, other strengths needs to be considered. If one have a curvier figure, they might be more commanding in a dress than a pantsuit, for example. If one is tall, vertical stripes will emphasize this, while horizontal stripes will do the opposite. Take a look at the features, like leg length versus torso length, or how wide the shoulders are, and take that into account with the body shape and colors. By choosing a flattering shape for the body, then choosing that outfit in a color which look best in, then playing to the strengths, one will have a well coordinated outfit, no matter whatever the style be.

Knowing the personal style:

Dressing in a way that makes us feel comfortable is also important to consider if we would want to dress with confidence. Styles that feel natural to one may not always be conventional, but one should always communicate to themselves to some degree in the dress in order to feel confident. Especially in day to day situations, feel free to show off the personal flair. This way the outfit will still feel like one of theirs, even if they are trying out items one wouldn’t normally wear. Plus, the outfit is the first thing others see when they see us, so one should feel comfortable in the way that we present ourselves to the world. 

Considering the occassion:

Another way to dress with confidence is to accurately size up the occasion one will be attending. It's not easy to feel confident when one is over or under dressed, so try to make sure that one is dressed in an outfit that is appropriate for where one will be spending time. 

Knowing the comfort level:

Nothing is worse than being caught out in an outfit that makes one feel uncomfortable. It’s okay if one likes to cover up more or less, but being aware of how much skin is showing is important. If the dress is longer than preferred, one might start to feel frumpy. On the other hand, if one prefers to cover up, a plunging neckline of a dress that’s shorter when one sits might make one feel anxious. Consider how comfortable one is with what the outfit does or doesn’t cover before they walk out the door, and one should always feel confident in the way they are dressed.

Finding the signature style:

One could swear by the quote by Anna Wintour: “Create your own style – let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others”. We have been told by many people that we have a very particular style, and  sometimes it’s true.  For some,denim and heels are crucial parts of their go-to looks. For that reason, one could be very decisive about what to wear and how to put outfits together. It just means that they are extremely particular about what to wear and what not to. They are aware about what styling suits them the most, how they should pair with various accessories and make the look go. It helps them feel comfortable and at the same time makes them look good.

Getting rid of clothes that makes feel crappy:

The first step to dressing better is actually having clothes that fit and that make one feel good. But it’s more than just cuts or numbers on a label. If one has clothes in their wardrobe that are too tight or don’t flatter them, it should be taken out immediately. They should go directly into the donation pile because they are furthering a toxic relationship with the clothes. We all have those jeans we *wish* we could squeeze into. But, it’s time to say goodbye to them. Wearing clothes that are too small or uncomfortable will not only make one appear bigger than they are, but it will also make them feel less confident. And, one has tried a trend and it just didn’t work out for them, it should be released. Let that trend go. If it doesn’t make one feel good, look good, or give purpose to their wardrobe- then one needs to purge it. 

Don’t copy someone or pretend to be one which they are not:

One could get a lot of flack for this from people who believe fashion has rules, and that by buying exactly what their favorite influencer wears they have found style.But, that is ridiculous. There is no other person on earth quite like one and their style preferences should be authentic to themselves. When we copy others’ fashion it tends to be rooted more in embracing what that person has in their life. We think by mimicking their style that we will have their confidence, their beauty, or a life worth living. But, that’s not how it works.Ultimately, that’s just pretending to be someone they are not and can lead to a detachment from their unique sense of self.While it is ok to look at others for inspiration or initial style guidance or outfit combinations, having true fashion confidence and feeling their best in clothes will be rooted in taking their own style path. So take inspiration, and one should add their own flavor- but it should never be copied.

Don’t be afraid to expand style horizon:

This is more of a reminder that just because one has tried something once and didn’t feel confident in it, doesn’t mean that type of style isn’t for them. It’s recommended that they should try a trend or new item at least 3 different ways before one gives up on it. And one should photograph each new way they wear it so that one can look back on it and see what elements of the outfit are going right, and what elements could be improved.This is more of a reminder that just because one has tried something once and didn’t feel confident in it, doesn’t mean that type of style isn’t for them. 

Don’t follow trends that doesn’t suit:

One can love trying new trends, but that also means one can learn from trends that really suit them and which ones once may feel like retiring early. It is great to get outside with one’s fashion comfort zone and trying a new trend or style, but one should not get down on themselves if it just isn’t for them (note- as mentioned previously one should try the trend in 3 separate ways before abandoning it completely).If  one can do it, trying not to get too attached to trends or items that one feel like they failed on should happen. If something doesn’t work on them or isn’t their style- moving on and don’t letting it affect the relationship with the clothes could be the best thing to do.  There will always be new things to try, looking at it like a learning experience instead of a “failure” is the best path to follow. 

Don’t compare with others:

We all know what this is like. When we see other fabulous people looking amazing we instantly feel insecure or unworthy of wearing it- even if it looks good on us too! Why does this happen?It is because we want to feel confident in ourselves and when they see others wearing things that work for them, it can trigger a sense of lack in ourselves.But, if someone else looks amazing in that outfit or that trend- may be all you need to do is tweak their own. One can make it their own and own what they have. That is the best way to stop the comparison trap. Because one can’t compare french fries to potato chips. Both are perfect salty snacks and stand-alone.

Speak to yourself and your style kindly:

When one looks in the mirror and think- “ugh, why can’t I pull that off?” or “I wish I had the guts to try that trend they are thwarting their style and fashion confidence. Why? Because if one talk badly to themselves about their body or their style, it doesn’t get them anywhere. If anything, it just makes them more insecure.No one is perfect- even if they look like they can wear every “cool-girl” trend, that person still feels insecure at times. To stop beating themselves and giving a credit for trying atleat could be the best thing to do. 

You’re the secret sauce:

No one can be better than them. One’s look is truly unique and they should be confident in it. Everyone has a different body type and everyone has different interests and tastes. So one shouldn’t be afraid to experiment and try new things- even if it might be out of their comfort zone.It should be remembered that there is no such thing as a “style rule” in fashion because everyone’s personal style is their own. So staying true to themselves, exploring what works for them, and remember that their style confidence is something that no one can take away from them. 

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